
I-Likeitalot : The Way I Dress : Mr Joshua Kissi [Interview]

”My name is Joshua Kissi, I’m one half of Street Etiquette, and I’m from the Bronx, New York.

My first memory of being conscious of style or fashion was in high school, furthermore than that, I think my parents inspired me, as far as being West African, they are from Ghana, seeing how they used to dress so elegant just to go to these events…that’s the first time is saw color and the way people express themselves – linking clothing to emotion. That’s when I think I got introduced to style…

My parents thought I was gong to be a doctor, it is still kind of surreal to them that you can make a living or job or have some type of lucrative income off of just style or fashion – when I broke the news to them they were shocked..after a while…New York Times, GQ and everything, now they’re pretty proud.

I roll up everything, unless it’s like, you know, tuxedo trousers obviously or something more formal, I pretty much go by it all the time, no socks, roll up. Some people make fun of it, some people don’t like but hey! it your personal taste.

I would describe my style as just… I don’t know, I mean it’s hard to just give it a label or category ‘cause then I feel like I’m putting it in a box…sometimes Afro-dandyism, sometimes punk, a touch of prep, a touch of Americana…like an amalgamation of everything I’m interested in as far as colors, patterns, silhouettes and jewelry accessories.

My style is just style I wouldn’t put it in a category”

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Ultimate Props to Mr Porter


Young Active Black Man

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