She’s Gotta Have it is a brilliant comedy-drama film written and directed by Spike Lee in 1986. This a story about the Love’s Life of a young black woman in living Brooklyn, Nola Darling. She’s Seeing concurrently three very different men, Jamie Overstreet portrayed as a controlling, a bit too much protective type. Greer Childs depicted as a vain, arrogant wealthy male model & there is Mars Blackmon the immature but funny one cracking Jokes all the time. All three men wanted her to commit solely to them but Nola resists being “owned” by a single partner. Advancing further more in the movie Nola has gone beyond even a love “triangle” and the growing jealousy among her three lovers jeopardize the stability of her love “square” which put her under pressure to makes her choice.
In the end, is this what she really wants?