
Meet 50 Cent at the 02 this Thursday

This Thursday the one and only 50 Cent will be personally signing his new range of SMS Sleek headphones. As you can see from the picture below these are pretty damn sexy, and come in black or white.

Now you may well be thinking this is just another brand partnership, but if you are think again Sonny. Apparently 50 Cent has been intimately involved with the design of these babies, from the durability to the sound quality, which features a new “Klear” wireless technology. Watch the interview the interview below to see what he has to say about them.


How do you get to have the privilege to meet 50 cent? The answer is simple, buy a pair either online from the O2 website here, or from any O2 store and bring them with you along with proof of purchase. (Please note, online customers must allow two days delivery) And don’t forget you can only meet him if you’ve bought them from O2.

If for reasons beyond your control you can’t be there in person and you’d like to ask Mr. Cent a question, tweet it @O2 using #50questions and he’ll tweet you back.

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