General Conditions of Service Contracts Indian Railways

General Conditions of Service Contracts with Indian Railways

Indian Railways is one of the largest railway networks in the world, transporting millions of passengers and goods every day. If you are planning to use the railway network for your business, it is essential to understand the general conditions of service contracts with Indian Railways.

Service contracts with Indian Railways are governed by two documents – the Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract, and the Indian Railways Manual for the Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services. These documents outline the terms and conditions that must be followed by both parties, including the responsibilities of the parties, payment terms, and the dispute resolution process.

Responsibilities of the Parties

The general conditions of service contracts with Indian Railways outline the responsibilities of both parties. As a contractor, you are responsible for providing the services as per the terms of the contract. You must ensure that your services comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and that the services are delivered on time and to the required standard.

Indian Railways, on the other hand, is responsible for providing you with access to their facilities and resources, including the railway network, equipment, and personnel. They must also make sure that you have the necessary permits and approvals to operate on the railway network.

Payment Terms

The general conditions of service contracts with Indian Railways specify the payment terms. As a contractor, you must submit regular invoices to Indian Railways for the services provided. The payment terms may vary depending on the type of services provided and the duration of the contract.

Indian Railways is required to pay the invoice within a certain timeframe, as specified in the contract. Late payment penalties may be imposed if payment is not made within the specified timeframe.

Dispute Resolution Process

The general conditions of service contracts with Indian Railways also outline the dispute resolution process. If a dispute arises between the contractor and Indian Railways, the first step is to attempt to resolve the dispute through negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, the matter will escalate to the appropriate level of authority within Indian Railways.

If the matter remains unresolved, the parties may escalate to an external dispute resolution process, such as arbitration or mediation. The specific dispute resolution process will be outlined in the contract.


As a contractor, it is essential to thoroughly understand the general conditions of service contracts with Indian Railways. This will help you ensure that you comply with all requirements and deliver your services to the required standard. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of your contract, it is important to seek legal advice to ensure you are protected.

By C

Based in Notting Hill, London. Clifford is the creator/editor of A Media and Communications (Bsc) he collaborates with other talented creatives/ ex scene kids to create original in house content (interviews, editorials and more)