India Ratified Kigali Agreement Upsc

India Ratifies the Kigali Agreement: An Impetus Towards a Greener Future

In a significant move towards combatting climate change, India ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on October 2, 2019. The Kigali Agreement aims to phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), which has a global warming potential (GWP) several thousand times higher than carbon dioxide.

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave its approval for the ratification process, which underlines India`s commitment towards global efforts to curb climate change. The decision is a reflection of India`s contribution to the global fight against climate change and its commitment to sustainable development.

The Kigali Amendment, signed in 2016, is an upgrade to the Montreal Protocol, a treaty aimed at protecting the ozone layer by regulating the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs). While the Montreal Protocol has been a success story in its own right, with the phase-out of several ODS, the rise of HFCs as a replacement for ODS became a major concern. HFCs are used in air conditioners, refrigerators, and foam products.

The Kigali Amendment aims to phase down HFCs by more than 80 percent by the year 2047 and promote the use of more environment-friendly alternatives. This is expected to prevent a further rise in global temperatures by up to 0.5°C by the end of this century. The agreement also aims to provide financial support to developing countries to help them transition to low-GWP alternatives while addressing their concerns on technical, safety, and financial aspects.

India`s ratification of the Kigali Amendment is a significant milestone, considering that India is the third-largest emitter of HFCs globally. The move will contribute to India`s goal of reducing carbon emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent from 2005 levels by 2030 under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Union Environment Minister, Prakash Javadekar, said that “the Kigali agreement is one of the most significant achievements of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and India`s decision to ratify it demonstrates our continued commitment to global climate action.” He also added that the government would work towards promoting the use of environment-friendly cooling technologies across the country.

The Kigali Amendment marks a positive shift towards a greener future, and India`s ratification of the agreement is a welcome step towards a sustainable future. The move highlights India`s commitment to combatting climate change and is a testament to the nation`s vision for a sustainable future.

By C

Based in Notting Hill, London. Clifford is the creator/editor of A Media and Communications (Bsc) he collaborates with other talented creatives/ ex scene kids to create original in house content (interviews, editorials and more)