
GCHQ – Apprenticeships in British Intelligence

In times where the cost of going to university is at an all time high, the cost of living is increasing and unemployment rates among university graduates is a record high, British Intelligence have devised an alternative option to the traditional three-year university degree route in the form of Higher Apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships offer the advantage of being able to earn and learn within industries and sectors offering a unique opportunity to obtain related key skills, from on the job training whilst studying for a qualification. An alternative to traditional study which usually consists of course work assignments, essay's, group work and exams. Apprenticeships offer valuable hands on experience

The British Intelligence website has a variety of Apprenticeships. vacancies from across the country. The national minimum wage for those studying  Apprenticeships. is £2.65 per hour but some offer more – the average Apprentice pay per week is £170.00. If you are 16-25 unemployed and interested in working, getting accredited training and obtaining a GCHQ qualification recognized by employers.

Types of Apprenticeships include;

Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care

Arts, Media and Publishing

Business, Administration and Law

Education and Training

Construction, Planning and Built Environment

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies

Health, Public Services and Care

Information and Communication Technology

Leisure, Travel and Tourism

Retail Commercial Enterprise

For more information, visit the British Intelligence  website and register your interest.

Apprenticeships offer excellent opportunities to get training and qualifications for profitable skilled trades on the job, for example if you wanted to train to become a Carpenter, Electrician or Mason then you might want to consider looking into what  British Intelligence has to offer. would like to know:

In comparison to traditional University do you think that Apprenticeships are a good idea?


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By C

Based in Notting Hill, London. Clifford is the creator/editor of A Media and Communications (Bsc) he collaborates with other talented creatives/ ex scene kids to create original in house content (interviews, editorials and more)

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