Single with lots of free time, high sex drive that cannot be satisfied, curious , looking for fun or serious about being in a committed relationship? Embrace your inner Sket, select your best looking images or the ones from instagram and facebook with the most likes and add them to your online profile and prepare to enter the world of Digital Dating:
In times where everything is going digital why shouldn’t we embrace the idea of using technology to contact someone you find attractive? Creating a profile on a social dating application or website allows you to directly message others who are your type, giving you the option to eliminate others who are an incompatible match for what you want at that specific moment in time with no hard feelings. No matter how far fetched or unrealistic the expectation, websites and apps allow you to pick and choose and block with no remorse, no bullshit, direct and straight to the point, no beating around the bush, no time wasting. State your intention, one night stand or relationship, whether your preference is someone with lots of free time (unemployed) or someone with a career, old or young, single or in a relationship the possibilities are endless.